Lead Plaintiff in Lavine vs. American Academy of Pediatrics & Executive Advisor to Foregen

Shingo Lavine
4 min readMar 5, 2021

I am pleased to announce two new things:

  • Lead plaintiff in a groundbreaking suit against the American Academy of Pediatrics (“AAP”) alleging intentional fraud in their 1989 circumcision guidance.
  • My involvement with Foregen, a leading-edge regenerative medicine non-profit

The goal of this piece is to explain why I am involved, what this means and why it matters.

Circumcision: A Solution in Search of a Problem

It has been known for quite some time that circumcision cannot be justified on medical grounds. It carries significant risks and minimal, if any, health benefits that can easily be achieved without surgery. In fact, this is the consensus among nearly the entire modern world. This raises the question of why the U.S. is an outlier among nearly every developed country when it comes to circumcision.

It is most often performed in a medical setting, by parents who are told by their doctors that it is normal, routine and healthy. Despite this, it has been known since the 1980s to be unnecessary and potentially even unsafe. In 1980, Edward Wallerstein, a prominent medical writer, wrote a 197 page heavily footnoted book entitled Circumcision: An American Health Fallacy. In it he writes

“Today circumcision is a solution in search of a problem. The operation, as prophylaxis, has no place in a rational society.”

Since then, there has been a slurry of academic research showing that circumcision has significant risks, downsides, complications and is ethically and legally questionable.

A Symptom of a Broken Medical System

It is no secret that healthcare in the U.S. costs A LOT. People in the U.S. are paying more than many other countries while often receiving lower quality of care. Regardless of your views on taxation, government and healthcare, the U.S. has the worst of all worlds. Either everyone should be paying a lot so everyone gets access to high-quality healthcare or people should be paying market prices based on utilization. Left or right, liberal or conservative, everyone is getting screwed because the system places profit above patient well-being and creates conflicts of interest between health care participants and providers.

Circumcision is a symptom of this problem. It is covered by medicaid in many states and insurance companies despite being an unnecessary procedure which medicaid explicitly prohibits. Health care providers are incentivized to “sell” unnecessary procedures, of which circumcision is one, to unsuspecting parents to generate billions a year in medical costs which often get passed to taxpayers and source valuable neonatal tissue which is used by for-profit industries despite the fiduciary duties that doctors owe to their patients. (Yes, the U.S. medical system is harvesting tissue from unsuspecting parents and their children, here is a medium article covering some of it: https://anthonylosquadro.medium.com/circumcision-in-america-are-baby-boys-foreskins-for-sale-e0b79fadc8cb)

Think big pharma, big tobacco etc. where companies are profiting unethically in a broken market. Profit motives are creating big negative externalities and massive costs on taxpayers and individuals due to market failures.

This is not a free market, this is a multi-billion dollar a year fraud of a nearly unprecedented scale that is being perpetrated on the American population.

Lavine vs. American Academy of Pediatrics

On February 5th, 2021 I filed suit against the American Academy of Pediatrics and Princeton Medical Group alleging constructive and intentional fraud around a botched circumcision.

Key Points

  • The AAP had a number of undisclosed biases, including a financial and religious bias, and made false claims in their 1989 Report of the Task Force on Circumcision Guidance.
  • This Guidance induced the Plaintiffs to provide consent for circumcisions without all of the necessary medical facts and information to make an informed decision, which the AAP has a fiduciary obligation to provide.
  • The AAP owes a duty to the general public, including the Plaintiffs, to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth when issuing reports, policy statements, and guidelines for medical care and procedures.

If you want to follow the case, I cannot comment any further on it, but you can follow my friends over at CIAF (circumcisionisafraud.com) and read the full case PDF here: https://www.circumcisionisafraud.com/docket-mer-l-000272-21
CIAF Twitter: https://twitter.com/cutfraud

Foregen: Pushing the Boundaries of Regenerative Medicine

Restoring Bodily Integrity to Everyone

My second exciting announcement is my involvement as an Executive Advisor to Foregen. Foregen has put together an amazing team of scientists and academics who have made significant progress in pushing forward the state of research globally through a global research network. Foregen’s goal is to restore bodily integrity to all victims of genital mutilation using regenerative medicine. They are doing a lot of very interesting research and have started doing early-stage animal trials to demonstrate the effectiveness of their novel regenerative procedure. I highly recommend that people check it out and donate if you want to support Foregen’s research: https://www.foregen.org/

Regenerative Medicine and Broad Applications

In addition to the mission and vision of Foregen resonating with me, their technology and regenerative medicine in general has the potential for broad applications which could benefit hundreds of millions of people around the world.

Foregen is using decellularized ECM (extracellular matrices) to create biomaterial scaffolds that can be planted onto people’s bodies and regenerate entire structures that the body can’t naturally heal on its own. This has tremendous applications in being able to potentially be applied towards other parts of the body and pushing the boundaries of the capabilities of modern medicine. I firmly believe that regenerative medicine is a field that will rapidly grow in the coming years and will enable powerful medical solutions that will dramatically improve and potentially extend people’s lives.

Donate to Foregen and Chat with Myself and Others on Discord/Telegram!

If you find this stuff interesting, I highly recommend donating to Foregen (https://www.foregen.org/donate) which will give you access to Foregen’s discord/telegram where you can chat with myself, the executive team and a worldwide community of individuals.

Foregen is also a registered 501c(3) non-profit biomedical research organization so any donations you make (for U.S. folks) will be tax-deductible.



Shingo Lavine

Specialist in distorting reality to turn vision into value. Taking organizations from zero to unicorn. Investing in ideas with meaningful social impact.