Announcing Emerald Ocean Ventures

Shingo Lavine
2 min readMar 27, 2021

I am excited to announce I am forming Emerald Ocean Ventures (“EOV”) a group of early stage investors and operators dedicated to helping entrepreneurs distort reality to turn visions into value. EOV works to expand belief bubbles and rewire economic incentives to enable big ideas with high impact that can benefit humanity in positive ways. EOV specializes in taking organizations from $0 to $1b and beyond with a track record of success.

Visions to Value & Time, Money and Execution

From idea to execution, Emerald Ocean Ventures will accompany organizations across the spectrum to help projects and entrepreneurs reach their goals. The idea behind EOV is to leverage the skills and expertise of the partner network along with capital and organizational execution to rapidly accelerate organizations towards creating value. We will have the capability to help across the entire entrepreneurial life cycle, from refining and articulating a vision, creating a strategy and tactical execution to unlock organizational potential.

Reality Distortion and Expanding Belief Bubbles

The Emerald Ocean Ventures family has a track record of rapidly making visions, ideas and initiatives come to life and generate value. The faster an organization can become real and intersect with other people and organizations, the faster it can start to gain traction and have an impact on the market and humanity. We believe successful organizations distort reality through an ever-expanding “bubble of belief” where enthusiasm becomes contagious and success becomes inevitable. Through a constant cycle of measuring and execution against this philosophy, organizations can quickly snowball their way to real fundamental value.

Rewiring Economic Incentives

Many externalities are improperly priced by markets which create opportunities for economic and social change. By repricing these externalities and correcting market failures, organizations can place them within a system where economic incentives have been rewired to create tremendous value and positive social impact. We are particularly interested in doing this for finance, culture, medical and climate related initiatives.

An Exciting Pipeline

Emerald Ocean Ventures creates an exciting vehicle to scale these efforts. We have an ever-expanding pipeline of projects that will build off of this fundamental thesis to create the next generation of value creation vehicles.





Shingo Lavine

Specialist in distorting reality to turn vision into value. Taking organizations from zero to unicorn. Investing in ideas with meaningful social impact.